To be honest, implementing multitouch in Windows is easy. The operating system (Windows) gives to the developer a lot of handy functions. I think that the lack of multitouch in any Windows application today is only due to lazyness.~ufo~ wrote:It's cool that it works in windows !
OR ... the real culprit is the lack of multitouch in OS X. Usually, the software houses (at least in the DAW market) tend to have the same exact features on Windows and OS X. So, why bother and generate confusion in the users with differently featured products on the two main operating systems? I definitely think that this is the real reason behind the lack of multitouch capable DAWs today.
TUIO is not a solution. The developers want a multitouch native API in the OS. So, start to sign a petition for multitouch support in OS X! Or ... move to Windows (is this heretic?).