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Wish you all a Happy New year

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 18:12
by Home Studio 87
Wish you all a Happy New year.... and thank to the devil Team for making such great product..... and work everyday on ;) you correct a bug yesterday........ well that's what I call Support !

all the best......

Pierre Henri

Happy New Year!!!

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 21:19
by Constantine
With each New Year we get a fresh, clean page to start over. Here’s hoping that life writes a beautiful new chapter for our community this year. Happy New Year! to all.

Re: Wish you all a Happy New year

Posted: 02 Jan 2017 08:43
by ~ufo~
Happy new year everyone!

Compliments to the Devil tech team, for being so down to earth and open about their work while being fast and helpful!
It is a welcome change from all the BS marketing we have to endure from other companies within and outside the field!