Multi Touch plugins

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Re: Multi Touch plugins

Post by DT_bettinzana » 03 Feb 2017 22:36

~ufo~ wrote:It's cool that it works in windows !
To be honest, implementing multitouch in Windows is easy. The operating system (Windows) gives to the developer a lot of handy functions. I think that the lack of multitouch in any Windows application today is only due to lazyness.

OR ... the real culprit is the lack of multitouch in OS X. Usually, the software houses (at least in the DAW market) tend to have the same exact features on Windows and OS X. So, why bother and generate confusion in the users with differently featured products on the two main operating systems? I definitely think that this is the real reason behind the lack of multitouch capable DAWs today.

TUIO is not a solution. The developers want a multitouch native API in the OS. So, start to sign a petition for multitouch support in OS X! Or ... move to Windows (is this heretic?).
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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Re: Multi Touch plugins

Post by ~ufo~ » 04 Feb 2017 12:12


If Apple take too long with implementing multi touch (they're have to eventually) I might move to Windows.

I prefer to stay on Mac, but we'll see. Hackintosh might be a way forward.
A crazy powerful CPU is important for the way I work now.
When you compare the i7 beasts to the Xeons... I'm certainly leaning towards the i7 8 or 10 core...
The ten core gives about 2.5 the performance of my 3.3GHz 6-core xeon (which is STILL in the same price range).

Yup.... I may finally switch in the future. For multiple reasons.

I'm sure Apple will eventually merge iOS and macOS, but I don't think it will be within a year. They just seem to be unclear on their vision.
The want it super clean, of course.
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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Re: Multi Touch plugins

Post by DT_bettinzana » 04 Feb 2017 14:28

We had a long E-Mail exchange with Apple techs to fix a bug (USB + HID) in one of their past OS X versions. They appeared to be interested in the touch matter (even when we told them that we had the problem with a DELL (yes, DELL!) touchmonitor connected to a Mac). They really spent a lot of time with our developers and this is a very positive sign.
In fact, as you could probably have seen, today you can plug a touchscren in a Mac and it starts emulating a mouse (with single-touch) in 95% of the cases. Two OS X releases ago the situation was a lot worse. So, in their offices somebody has an interest in the touch-world ;)
That said, today they haven't an API for the multitouch, which represents a huge obstacle. This is certainly a decision of the Apple management, not a matter of Know-How.

I don't want to say that you should move to Windows. BTW, we know that DTouch works a lot better on OS X than on Windows (for other reasons, not meaning that one OS is better than the other).
For sure, the lack of the multitouch support on the Mac is the excuse for the developers to not implement the multiouch support in their DAW, Plug-Ins, etc ... even if it is almost trivial on Windows.

Anyway, I am nobody in this so big world ... as you, I think :(
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

Posts: 248
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Re: Multi Touch plugins

Post by ~ufo~ » 04 Feb 2017 17:39

DT_bettinzana wrote: For sure, the lack of the multitouch support on the Mac is the excuse for the developers to not implement the multiouch support in their DAW, Plug-Ins, etc ... even if it is almost trivial on Windows.
Well this is exactly the reason why I will be writing a letter to Tim Cook.

It's obvious that Apple always like things clean.
iOS was built for touch.
macOS was built for mouse / keyboard.

They don't seem to have a clear vision yet to implement touch in macOS.
Since most of their screens are probably 13", I can understand that.
Plus there's the ergonomics on touch on a macbook or an iMac (as it is) that's not optimal.

All of this is understandable. Apple always have taken the approach of 'we do it well, or we don't do it'.

The problem is that there are people like us, who use external large touch screens who are suffering because Apple has not built in support for touch yet into macOS. That in itself is annoying, but since we are still a niche it's not a huge concern to them.
What should be a concern to them, however, is your conclusion above, and I've come to much the same conclusion:

Currently. Apple is HINDERING the development of touch by not implementing it in macOS.
It is certainly hindering the adaptation and advancement of touchscreen use in DAWs.
I would assume it's probably similar in the video editing world.

This is something that should not have been allowed to happen and Apple need to address it.
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

Posts: 772
Joined: 21 Feb 2016 12:05

Re: Multi Touch plugins

Post by DT_bettinzana » 04 Feb 2017 18:02

~ufo~ wrote:
DT_bettinzana wrote: For sure, the lack of the multitouch support on the Mac is the excuse for the developers to not implement the multiouch support in their DAW, Plug-Ins, etc ... even if it is almost trivial on Windows.
Well this is exactly the reason why I will be writing a letter to Tim Cook.

It's obvious that Apple always like things clean.
iOS was built for touch.
macOS was built for mouse / keyboard.

They don't seem to have a clear vision yet to implement touch in macOS.
Since most of their screens are probably 13", I can understand that.
Plus there's the ergonomics on touch on a macbook or an iMac (as it is) that's not optimal.

All of this is understandable. Apple always have taken the approach of 'we do it well, or we don't do it'.

The problem is that there are people like us, who use external large touch screens who are suffering because Apple has not built in support for touch yet into macOS. That in itself is annoying, but since we are still a niche it's not a huge concern to them.
What should be a concern to them, however, is your conclusion above, and I've come to much the same conclusion:

Currently. Apple is HINDERING the development of touch by not implementing it in macOS.
It is certainly hindering the adaptation and advancement of touchscreen use in DAWs.
I would assume it's probably similar in the video editing world.

This is something that should not have been allowed to happen and Apple need to address it.
I absolutely agree with you!
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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