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Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 26 Jan 2018 16:11
by Tumppi
Yep! Too complicated.

I have two screens. One is touch screen (my main screen) and the other is (mostly) for video. So your suggestion is a no go for me. Of course if I would buy a second smaller touch screen for plug ins but I'm not doing that any day soon.

But (yep, there it is again ;) ), if you could make it possible to add macro folder directly to floating mixer. Then it would be only a battle between nuendo window and this floating window with macrofolder with different "layers"...
Easier to control I think.

Bye / Tumppi

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 26 Jan 2018 17:22
by DT_bettinzana
Home Studio 87 wrote:
25 Jan 2018 22:00
PS and if you do the macro inside the inspector channel (it's a "fixed place") instead of the channel config ? :oops:
No advantages because the problem is understanding what is the first free slot and the only known way (till now) is to read the graphics. But if we cannot read the graphics ...

I want to add one thing; check the first line of code of the macro: you can select the slot where you want to insert the Plug-In. Our macro is preset to 1 (= "First Slot"), but you can change it. It is obvious that if that slot is already populated, you will overwrite the already inserted plug-in.

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 26 Jan 2018 17:28
by DT_bettinzana
Tumppi wrote:
26 Jan 2018 16:11
But (yep, there it is again ;) ), if you could make it possible to add macro folder directly to floating mixer. Then it would be only a battle between nuendo window and this floating window with macrofolder with different "layers"...
Easier to control I think.
Not as easy to be implemented as you could think. And: "n" DTouch Users = "n" different Floating Mixer configuration.

You will say: design a fully customizable Floating Mixer. Even more complex ... the controls don't have the same dimensions (the buttons have, but panner, sliders, buttons, channel strips with arbitrary number, ...). At the moment it would be a very huge task, too much at this stage.

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 26 Jan 2018 19:42
by Tumppi
The problem regarding the functionality of this macro seems to be that at the moment when closing a plug in GUI. It draws the attention to Nuendo instead DTouch and I loose my "workspace".
Is there a way to make this macro to "remember" the window configuration (of my "workspace") so that
1. If the workspace is open when opening a plug in
2. from a channel editor
3. it returns to that window configuration when
4. this plug in is closed?

I know I maybe pushing the limits too much but just tell me if I should stop ;)

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 11:22
by DT_bettinzana
Tumppi wrote:
26 Jan 2018 19:42
The problem regarding the functionality of this macro seems to be that at the moment when closing a plug in GUI. It draws the attention to Nuendo instead DTouch and I loose my "workspace".
Is there a way to make this macro to "remember" the window configuration (of my "workspace") so that
1. If the workspace is open when opening a plug in
2. from a channel editor
3. it returns to that window configuration when
4. this plug in is closed?

I know I maybe pushing the limits too much but just tell me if I should stop ;)
Lets do a step back ...

I haven't understood the role of the Nuendo Project window. I suppose that you have two desired "workspaces":

1) mixing: open Floating Mixer + Macro Folder + Nuendo Channel Editor + various plug-in which will be opened and closed according to your preference.

2) Editing: Nuendo Project window

That said: why do you want the Nuendo Project window as huge as the almost full touchscreen in workspace 1? It is behind everything and I suppose that you don't use it. Or not?
What other DTouch windows do you want open in workspace 2?

Do you understand where I want to arrive? I want to get rid of the Nuendo Priject window in workspace 1 because it is the culprit of covering the DTouch windows.
If you explain it, I could try to crete your workspaces, switch between them and make a video for you.

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 12:08
by Tumppi
Yep, I have two workspaces. One for mixing and one for editing.
The way I (we) work is I do both editing and mixing "simultaneously". While editing fx and dialog we are always making temp mix at the same time.
So when editing I mostly work on project window and a little with mixing workspace.
When mixing the final mix we go pretty often back to editing things to make everything sit better together in the mix. So it is back and forth with the workspaces...
That is why I am looking a way to make the switch between editing and mixing as easy as possible. As it was with interrgrated mixer.

And when editing sound fx, music and dialog the project window needs to be big so I can see many tracks and events at the same time.
So yes, I have the project window so "big" that it takes almost all of the 27" touch screen leaving just a little room for two DTouch macrofolders (in my case one is on the left side of the screen and on is at the bottom) that have button customized for editing.

Did this help to understand what I'm looking for?

Bye /Tumppi

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 14:27
by DT_bettinzana
Tumppi wrote:
27 Jan 2018 12:08
Yep, I have two workspaces. One for mixing and one for editing.
The way I (we) work is I do both editing and mixing "simultaneously". While editing fx and dialog we are always making temp mix at the same time.
So when editing I mostly work on project window and a little with mixing workspace.
When mixing the final mix we go pretty often back to editing things to make everything sit better together in the mix. So it is back and forth with the workspaces...
That is why I am looking a way to make the switch between editing and mixing as easy as possible. As it was with interrgrated mixer.

And when editing sound fx, music and dialog the project window needs to be big so I can see many tracks and events at the same time.
So yes, I have the project window so "big" that it takes almost all of the 27" touch screen leaving just a little room for two DTouch macrofolders (in my case one is on the left side of the screen and on is at the bottom) that have button customized for editing.

Did this help to understand what I'm looking for?

Bye /Tumppi
OK, on Monday we will try to replicate your 2 scenarios with a macro to swap between them.

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 14:56
by Tumppi

Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 15:55
by Tumppi
The only problem at the moment is that when closing a plug in GUI when my mix workspace is "open" I loose these macro folders and floating mixer behind Nuendo project window. If that can be fixed I'm pretty happy :)


Re: Macro to open floating mixer, channel editor and one macro folder?

Posted: 27 Jan 2018 16:21
by Tumppi
And now this is wierd...
I've been testing this over and over and always after closing plug in GUI my mix workspace was messed.
But now it is not. I can open and close plug ins on top of everything and after closing the GUI all is well and just as it was before opening the plug in...
What? is? happening?