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Help me to make a macros

Posted: 22 Mar 2016 18:36
by Home Studio 87
Hi all, I want to make a macro with zoom, I always use the shortcut : Zoom > Tracks - 1 Line / 2 Lines etc... but I don't want my "Folder Track" follow the zoom action & stay at "Tracks -1 Line", so let say a macro which can do this : "Tracks 2 Lines" exept "Track Folder".

Can someone help me to do that ?

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 03:11
by MichaelScott
I'm not sure I follow, there is the kc "Zoom Tracks Exclusive'" which zooms whatever track you have selected, including automation tracks.

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 07:16
by Home Studio 87
yes but I don't want select anything, just push a button and see all my track (Audio, Instruments, Group, FX...) zoom to 2 lines / 3 lines..... without touching the zoom of the Folder track :(
I'm sure this can be done with the "logical project editor" but I'm not a "pro" with this tool. ;)

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 23 Mar 2016 12:54
by MichaelScott
Oh ok, I get it now :P So instead of using the zoom pad for varying degrees of zoom a quick one button zoom for all tracks in the project. I will try and do something later tonight when I'm not working. Then share with you here. Sounds like a good idea.

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 25 Mar 2016 17:22
by MichaelScott
Home Studio 87 wrote:yes but I don't want select anything, just push a button and see all my track (Audio, Instruments, Group, FX...) zoom to 2 lines / 3 lines..... without touching the zoom of the Folder track :(
I'm sure this can be done with the "logical project editor" but I'm not a "pro" with this tool. ;)
I managed to setup a macro which can "zoom tracks 2 rows" and one which "zoom tracks 4 rows". Also one to "zoom tracks minimal" which brings them back to zoomed out all the way. These zoom all tracks in the project and if you open up say the volume automation lane on each track it will also zoom those to the same size. I found it kinda handy to have this macro as I can press "zoom tracks 4 rows" and draw in the volume automation on any track with ease on this 42" screen :)
Is this what you were looking for?

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 26 Mar 2016 13:37
by Home Studio 87
yes but did you have "Folder Track" in your project ? and if so, does the "Folder Track" does'nt zoom (2 lines / 4 lines....) like the other ?

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 26 Mar 2016 15:27
by DT_bettinzana
Home Studio 87 wrote:yes but did you have "Folder Track" in your project ? and if so, does the "Folder Track" does'nt zoom (2 lines / 4 lines....) like the other ?
Hello guys,
I promise you that next week we will help you with this. We were busy coding a new application that we want to release soon.

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 26 Mar 2016 21:58
by MichaelScott
Home Studio 87 wrote:yes but did you have "Folder Track" in your project ? and if so, does the "Folder Track" does'nt zoom (2 lines / 4 lines....) like the other ?
:D Yes. So the folder tracks stay minimalized the rest zoom to 4 rows. But I set that up under cubase macros and use keyboard shortcut in dtouch to assign it. Here's what I did in cubase under key commands:
Add New Macro...called mine " Zoom tracks 4 rows excludibg folder tracks"
Add commands:
Zoom-Zoom Tracks 1 Row
Process Project Logical Editor-Select all but Folder Tracks*
Zoom-Zoom in Tracks
Zoom-Zoom in Tracks
Zoom-Zoom in Tracks
Edit-Select None
*This I created from the PLE. Basically "container type is/unequal/foldertrack" next line
"Media type is/all types"
Assign it a key combo then use that in dtouch assigning it under "keyboard shortcuts"
I know kind of all over the place but it works

Re: Help me to make a macros

Posted: 26 Mar 2016 22:58
by Home Studio 87
thank you man I will test this..... and I know that master chief of Macro Bettinzana will find some really cool macro cause I know that Devil teams are the "Master Macro Mens" ;)

Posted: 14 Apr 2016 07:16
by Support Team
Although MichaelScott's suggestion could be used, reading your replies we understand that you have a requirement: don't change the current selection.
We know that not changing the selection is often important for our customers.
So, as promised, we are posting our solution.

It's somewhat tricky, since it involves some Project Logical Editor scripts that you need to install, but once you set all up correctly you will get the intended behavior.

This Macro requires DTouch for Cubase 1.1.27 or later. This is because it needs the "Zoom" Keycommands, which we added to DTouch in the 1.1.27 version.

This Macro requires these Project Logical Editor scripts:
Hide Folder Tracks.xml
(1.07 KiB) Downloaded 710 times
Show Folder Tracks.xml
(1.07 KiB) Downloaded 776 times
In order to install them in Cubase, you need to copy them in this folder:
"C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\<SWname>\Presets\Project Logical Editor"
  • <username> is your Windows username
  • <SWname> depends on your Cubase version: "Cubase 8.5_64" "Cubase 8.5" "Cubase 8_64" "Cubase 8" "Cubase 7.5_64" "Cubase 7.5"
After the requirements are satisfied, you can import this new Macro in DTouch and use it!
Folder Tracks Zoom 1 Row - Other Zoom 3 Rows.dat
(3.02 KiB) Downloaded 715 times
This Macro sets all Folders to 1 Row height, and all other Tracks to 3 Rows height.
The Macro includes some "Sleep" commands that may need to be adjusted, according to your system performances.