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select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 22:16
by ~ufo~
Perhaps I'm missing something but a way to select a bit of audio and drag only that selection away in stead of the whole clip, would be cool.

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 15:38
by Support Team
Yeah, it would be cool if Avid made the Pro Tools Smart Tool a little "smarter"

In the meantime, we suggest you to do this:
  1. Select the Smart Tool
  2. Select the "bit of audio" that you want to drag away (using the Smart Tool: select and drag using the top half of the Clip)
  3. Launch the attached "Separate Clip At Selection" Macro
  4. Drag away the new clip (using the Smart Tool: drag using the bottom half of the Clip)
Is it fast enough?

Re: select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 17:26
by ~ufo~
I've seen people do it on Raven though. How does Raven do it?

Re: select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 19:16
by DT_bettinzana
~ufo~ wrote:I've seen people do it on Raven though. How does Raven do it?
Hello ~ufo~, can you link a video where you see somebody doing this on the Raven. What they do with the Raven in the Edit window is directly performed on the Pro Tools window itself; Raven does nothing in that case, so it should something embedded in Pro Tools.
Anyway, a video could be of help.

Re: select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 20:06
by ~ufo~
Yup. Right here:

(starting from 0:17)

I see that grabber (hand) tool has little scissors in them so I guess IT IS just a Pro Tools function.
Great. I'll look into that. :)

Re: select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 20:11
by Holger
~ufo~ wrote:I see that grabber (hand) tool has little scissors in them so I guess IT IS just a Pro Tools function.
Great. I'll look into that. :)
Great find! You can switch the grabber tool to separation tool and still use it within the smart tool.

Edit: now the question is if it makes more sense to always switch the tool, or just separate the region with the press of a button. ;)

Re: select and break (Pro Tools)

Posted: 08 Mar 2016 20:27
by ~ufo~
Well, we'll see.

I'm going to try and keep the smart tool parked in this "separation grabber" mode for a while and see how we get on.

At the moment, I can't think of a situation where I wouldn't want that functionality.
I don't believe I ever drag a selection unless I separate it and then drag it away.
When you use the separation dragger on an unselected clip, it'll just work as normal.
I'm sure I'll run into a situation where this functionality is unhandy, but I can't think of anything right now.