DTouch for iPad
Posted: 25 Jun 2016 17:56
yes, i would like to see DTouch for iPad Pro!!! 

Today each DAW already have a free (or very low-cost) iPad remote control app. Do you really need another one?sibru wrote:yes, i would like to see DTouch for iPad Pro!!!
OK. This is a different request!Home Studio 87 wrote:Not another one but your macros & macros folder..... yesss it can be usefull !
I think that you will never see DTouch for iPad, unless the iPad will become 27" large and you will run a DAW on it.sibru wrote:...any thoughts on this from silvano???
I confirm that we will develop an iOS app to open the equivalent of a macro folder(s) on a tablet. Soon (next DTouch for Cubase release) you will see that we have extended the use of a macro folder: it will not only be a matrix of macro buttons, but you will be able to include all the buttons currently present in our toolbars, including the status. We will do the same in DTouch for Pro Tools.pablo1980 wrote:I second the app with macros and shortcuts on a separate ipad, so you can have them always open besides the touchscreen.
I have a lemur app that does that but I have read that dtouch must be the only one comunicating with cubase, is that right?
Nice! That may be handy for a always open kind of tool set, without taking away screen real estate from the DAW.DT_bettinzana wrote: I confirm that we will develop an iOS app to open the equivalent of a macro folder(s) on a tablet. Soon (next DTouch for Cubase release) you will see that we have extended the use of a macro folder: it will not only be a matrix of macro buttons, but you will be able to include all the buttons currently present in our toolbars, including the status. We will do the same in DTouch for Pro Tools.
Regarding the iOS app: for example, sooner or later you will be able to re-create a transport panel on an iPad with status(feedback)-enabled buttons.