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New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 13:45
by DT_bettinzana
Hello guys!

We are starting to work on a new feature which was requested here and by E-Mail by some users: a floating mixer for DTouch Cubendo.
Since we can do a lot of things on this side, we ask for you help!
I will post here some ideas and you will be free to do the same. You can start immediately.
We will include the new floating mixer in the official versions of DTouch for Cubase, but we will keep the status of the floating mixer in beta status to avoid to continuously update the documentation and give to everybody the chance to test it. When we will decide that it is at a good point, we will document it in the User Guide.
Keep in mind that we can implement a lot of features in this mixer and it could become a very powerful tool for all those users who don't want to work with the integrated mixer. We could have a lot of faders, resizable faders, faders in a multi-row grid, etc ...
This is only for Cubendo users. Unfortunately, the Pro Tools version of DTouch is a lot more constrained by the old HUI protocol.

We are already working on the code, but you can start to flood this thread with your requests. We are not many here, but I know that some of our most active and proactive users are here, so help us making DTouch even greater!

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 18:27
by Home Studio 87
Yesssss... just first wish : Independant from your main console, I explain : making possible to have Visibility 1 on your main console and visibility 2 (for ex) in the floating mixer... possible ? :?

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 18:44
by DT_bettinzana
Home Studio 87 wrote:Yesssss... just first wish : Independant from your main console, I explain : making possible to have Visibility 1 on your main console and visibility 2 (for ex) in the floating mixer... possible ? :?
OK, thank you!
I must check tomorrow about this.
For sure we cannot "follow" the visibility of Console 2 or 3 because we have no access to that information. That said I think that we could (must check!) have two scenarios: everything visible or follow the visibility of Console 1.
Then a question arises: if we could show everythying (so, independently of the visibility status of Console 1), could be a good idea to implement a "floating mixer" visibility map? In other words starting from a full visibility and have a very fast way (touch-aware) to select the visible tracks in the floating mixer.
I hope I was clear enough in this my last explanation (in bad english).

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 01 Sep 2016 14:43
by DT_bettinzana

I have checked with our developers and at the moment the floating mixer follows the visibility of the Cubendo Mix_Console_1 which is equal to the visibility of the DTouch integrated mixer.

That said, there would also be a way to have another option: showing in the floating mixer ALL the tracks (visible and not-visible).

SIDE NOTE: "disabled" tracks are never shown!

Unfortunately, the "show_ALL" option has some drawbacks that I will describe in future.

So: how important for you is to have a different visibility in the "Integrated" and in the "floating" mixers?

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 01 Sep 2016 20:09
by Home Studio 87
Very important if you want to use the floating mixer with the DTouch console and far less when using the floating mixer with the Project view...

But man if we can have different visibility on the two mixer I'm gona work with 48 channel in front of me...... a real real good point... ;)

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 28 Oct 2016 09:59
by DT_bettinzana
Hello guys!

Now we have a very basic version of the floating mixer in the new DTouch for Cubase and Nuendo.
We are ready to accept your suggestions to improve this new tool. We can do a lot to improve it!

Waiting for your comments!

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 23:29
by damiensalancon
Very interesting topic. I am not yet a customer but definetely think about switching to pc in order to use the incredible features of dtouch.
As professionnal composer there's a restrain in the cubase mixer that i think the floating mixer could resolve: it's always difficult to find one 's way through opened instruments tracks, especialy if one uses multiple output synth. I would use a 2nd floating mixer to access these tracks more easily and then. Ecable to chznge volume and add plugins on the inserts or mahage sends.
Also i was thinking that maybe the shortcuts section could be floating, then it could for example be put to an ipad using a sharing screen feature. Therefore one could have his shortcuts and macros closer to his hands and the keyboard...more ergonomic.

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 01:11
by Home Studio 87
Yes the Macros & Shortcut are really really usefull & powerfull ......... just in front of your fingers & your eyes...... ;)

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 17:04
by DT_bettinzana
Hello, and welcome to DTouch world!
damiensalancon wrote:As professionnal composer there's a restrain in the cubase mixer that i think the floating mixer could resolve: it's always difficult to find one 's way through opened instruments tracks, especialy if one uses multiple output synth. I would use a 2nd floating mixer to access these tracks more easily and then. Ecable to chznge volume and add plugins on the inserts or mahage sends.
Can you explain better?

damiensalancon wrote:Also i was thinking that maybe the shortcuts section could be floating, then it could for example be put to an ipad using a sharing screen feature. Therefore one could have his shortcuts and macros closer to his hands and the keyboard...more ergonomic.
OK, we had a similar idea, but better. We want to offer a new macro-folder type. At the moment call it "iPad folder Type". The folders of this type will be available on an iPad connected to DTouch. No need for a screen-sharing tool; it will be a native tool in DTouch.
Give us a bit of time for this. We want to think in details about the implementation because we want to include continuous controllers too. So, you will be able to build your custom iPad panels for macro recall and continuous values tweak. We already have some ideas, but we want to start with a good foundation.

Re: New Floating Mixer for DTouch Cubase/Nuendo

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 20:20
by Home Studio 87
Wo wo wo.......... Can I say WAOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :D