Tumppi wrote: ↑26 Jan 2018 19:42
The problem regarding the functionality of this macro seems to be that at the moment when closing a plug in GUI. It draws the attention to Nuendo instead DTouch and I loose my "workspace".
Is there a way to make this macro to "remember" the window configuration (of my "workspace") so that
1. If the workspace is open when opening a plug in
2. from a channel editor
3. it returns to that window configuration when
4. this plug in is closed?
I know I maybe pushing the limits too much but just tell me if I should stop
Lets do a step back ...
I haven't understood the role of the Nuendo Project window. I suppose that you have two desired "workspaces":
1) mixing: open Floating Mixer + Macro Folder + Nuendo Channel Editor + various plug-in which will be opened and closed according to your preference.
2) Editing: Nuendo Project window
That said: why do you want the Nuendo Project window as huge as the almost full touchscreen in workspace 1? It is behind everything and I suppose that you don't use it. Or not?
What other DTouch windows do you want open in workspace 2?
Do you understand where I want to arrive? I want to get rid of the Nuendo Priject window in workspace 1 because it is the culprit of covering the DTouch windows.
If you explain it, I could try to crete your workspaces, switch between them and make a video for you.