View/hide tracks

Discussions about Macros for DTouch for Pro Tools, OS X and Windows versions
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View/hide tracks

Post by moris » 08 Mar 2016 09:09


Trying to make some view macros like 'display active VCAs, aux and master track' or view all active tracks. But I can't figure how to go in the view menu with mouse click.

I m going around with the view markers but it made with to much compromises:
-If i select a marker with view configuration, the tracks are showed/hidden instantly in protools, but if I use dtouch faders with a macro selecting this marker, dtouch resyncs.... and if the music is playing, it can take 3 to 5 seconds to resync.
-If I add or inactivate a track, I have to update the markers... not good.

So, for speed and convenience, I would like to macro directly from the view menu.

Any idea?
PT 12.4 french / osx 10.10.4 french / Acer 272 HUL@1080p & iiyama 2409@1080p
ssds, nvidia gtx 750, RAM 16Go, i7920@2,8
uad quad and duo / MH Lio-8

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Re: View/hide tracks

Post by ~ufo~ » 08 Mar 2016 09:45

I do these things with advanced markers, but indeed you need to update them if you add or subtract something from them.
However, if you use the same numbers for track show/hide markers throughout every session, it's as simple as hitting .(marker #) and enter to update it.

What I did is make macros that launch the markers, the way DTouch suggests, (I think it's called recall PT mixer setting or something like that) which includes an automatic resync.
It shouldn't take up to five seconds though.
Usually it's 1-2s I'd say, sometimes maybe 3.
I agree, I'd like to see this snappier, but I'm sure we will.

They way you're describing seems interesting, I didn't know of that functionality.
I'll look into it.

However, I'm pretty sure you don't need mouse click to get into a the view menu.
Just use the PT menu (I think it's called) macro and scroll to the view menu (rather cumbersome, would be nice to have a search function in there).
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

Support Team
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Re: View/hide tracks

Post by Support Team » 08 Mar 2016 16:07

Hi moris,

The macros you want to create are really complex.
The standard and reliable way of recalling some tracks, as ~ufo~ suggested, is detailed in the DTouch User Manual at Chapter 3.1.6 - Mixer Views.
It explains how to get that behavior through the use of Pro Tools Memory Locations, and the "Recall PT Mixer View" Macro Command.

We have already prepared some Macros that you described some time ago for one of our Mac customers.
They are still unfinished, and may be not 100% reliable, so I'm not going to post them here.
If you absolutely need them, and you are on a Mac, contact us at

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Re: View/hide tracks

Post by moris » 09 Mar 2016 09:32

Thanks for replies,

I made those macros function well with static markers as you describe.
Since I work a lot with hide/inactivate tracks, specially since 'render' function in pt12.3 appeared. Like a commit but with the original track hidden/inactivated/archived. creating new vocal tracks and hide/inactivate old ones to makes archives from alternatives. etc...
When mixing, I setup those markers/views and go, but when producing/recording, I could go a lot faster.
The view menu have the fast option to 'view all actives', but there is no pt shortcuts in these menu.
For my MIX view I just click : 'view all active, hide audio, midi and instruments.
That's what a macro engine is useful to me.
Not to be disrespectful to the amount of work you've done guys! Just spotting my pov about it;)
PT 12.4 french / osx 10.10.4 french / Acer 272 HUL@1080p & iiyama 2409@1080p
ssds, nvidia gtx 750, RAM 16Go, i7920@2,8
uad quad and duo / MH Lio-8

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Post by Support Team » 09 Mar 2016 12:11

moris wrote:Thanks for replies,

I made those macros function well with static markers as you describe.
moris wrote:The view menu have the fast option to 'view all actives', but there is no pt shortcuts in these menu.
For my MIX view I just click : 'view all active, hide audio, midi and instruments.
That's what a macro engine is useful to me.
Not to be disrespectful to the amount of work you've done guys! Just spotting my pov about it;)
No disrespect intended.
The problem lies in what you call "View menu".
This is a screenshot of the View menu on PT 12.4:
Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 12.30.11.png
Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 12.30.11.png (28.83 KiB) Viewed 26415 times
That menu is the same even on PT 12.3 and 12.3.1.
As you can see, there's no "view all actives" menu entry here.
Can you be more specific?

Posts: 18
Joined: 03 Mar 2016 15:49

Re: View/hide tracks

Post by moris » 09 Mar 2016 16:38

Oups, sorry, my bad, I was taking about the track view menu, accessible by the little arrow at the top of the list.
PT 12.4 french / osx 10.10.4 french / Acer 272 HUL@1080p & iiyama 2409@1080p
ssds, nvidia gtx 750, RAM 16Go, i7920@2,8
uad quad and duo / MH Lio-8

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Post by Support Team » 10 Mar 2016 15:00

moris wrote:Oups, sorry, my bad, I was taking about the track view menu, accessible by the little arrow at the top of the list.
That's used in our experimental Macros, too.
The only problem left about these Macros is reliability.
Hint: think of what happens if you don't have any Inactive Track, or if you don't have any MIDI Track in your PT Session.

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