Floating Mixer additions

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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by DT_bettinzana » 15 May 2018 15:54

Havoc911 wrote:
11 May 2018 13:30

I hate to nag, but will this be a possibility sometime soon?


Something is possible, but not everything.
I repeat what I have said before: we cannot program a good system to insert a plug-in from a list of all the available plug-ins. Neither we can program a system to select the output destination bus (but I think that the Lemur Template has the same limitations ... or not?)
That said, we could program something very similar to the shown Lemur template. But: is this really what you want? If you cannot insert a plug-in and select the output routing, what other features are you interested in? Write here a list of the commands/buttons that you want to see in a panel and we will tell you if we can program it. I repeat: for sure we cannot open a list of the plug-ins name where you can select the one to be inserted in a slot.
Silvano Bettinzana
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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by Home Studio 87 » 15 May 2018 19:42

DT_bettinzana wrote:
15 May 2018 15:54
Havoc911 wrote:
11 May 2018 13:30

I hate to nag, but will this be a possibility sometime soon?


Something is possible, but not everything.
I repeat what I have said before: we cannot program a good system to insert a plug-in from a list of all the available plug-ins. Neither we can program a system to select the output destination bus (but I think that the Lemur Template has the same limitations ... or not?)
That said, we could program something very similar to the shown Lemur template. But: is this really what you want? If you cannot insert a plug-in and select the output routing, what other features are you interested in? Write here a list of the commands/buttons that you want to see in a panel and we will tell you if we can program it. I repeat: for sure we cannot open a list of the plug-ins name where you can select the one to be inserted in a slot.
Yes the main thing thing (choose a plugin and load it one slot) seem to be complex and cannot be done… :cry: But just a command to open/close, power on/off, bypass on/off, a insert plugin (So 3x 16 button) would be cool, very cool.. But we need to have access with DTouch to the "Generic Remote" inside Cubase. :?
But you do it !!!! With the midi fader and your virtual midi connection, so now we need this communication inside the macro editor to create a button but communicate with midi cc to cubase generic remote)
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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by Havoc911 » 15 May 2018 20:19


Thanks for considering my request. I really appreciate you trying to accommodate your customers. The problem I'm running into is that I prefer to keep the DT Toolbar in a horizontal position at the bottom of the screen. I then have rows of folders and also the nav bar with the edit window in the center.
Dtouch layout.PNG
Dtouch layout.PNG (190.69 KiB) Viewed 48317 times
This works out really well for my workflow until I start a mix. With the toolbar in that position, there's not enough room on my monitor for the floating mixer and the channel editor to sit in an over-under format. I switched the toolbar to a vertical orientation and I found that my workflow slowed because I had developed muscle memory of where the transport controls were in my other workspaces. Having the channel editor open all the time seems like a huge waste of space where I could be displaying additional channels on the floating mixer in a side-by-side layout or making the faders longer in an over-under layout.

So my thought was: Wouldn't it be nice if the area that displays the matrix window in the floating mixer could be used for other functions too? Specifically inserts, sends, and mabe Cubase integrated EQ controls. I understand that assigning send destinations is not possible; only level, pre/post, and bypass and we already have that function with the matrix window.

I'm still a little hung up on the insert thing. Please refer to the short video that I uploaded to YouTube (https://youtu.be/anbwwzXFAI8) Here you can see that the controller will scroll through a list of my plugins and when the scroll is stopped it will load that plugin on the insert slot that you define on the encoder to the left labeled IFX(1-16). You also have control over bypass and the parameters of the plugin can be edited from the controller (albeit clumsily). This is true of physical controllers like the M-Audio ProjectMix as well. Apparently these control surfaces, software or hardware, are able to access a list of installed plugins and scroll through them to assign a specific insert slot. While we have a macro that does this, the insert slots have to be pre-defined and I rarely know which slot I will need to assign. We may not be able to populate a list, but we can scroll through one. I could place my most used plugins in their own folder that would put them among the first in the list, thus removing the need to scroll very far.

I realize that using the channel editor drop-down lists is a more elegant solution and require no additional coding. Therefore I'd be happy to use it, if we could maybe put some transport and marker controls on the floating mixer so that I can fit everything on the screen at once.

Hopefully this made sense :)

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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by DT_bettinzana » 19 May 2018 14:10

Home Studio 87 wrote:
15 May 2018 19:42
Yes the main thing thing (choose a plugin and load it one slot) seem to be complex and cannot be done… :cry: But just a command to open/close, power on/off, bypass on/off, a insert plugin (So 3x 16 button) would be cool, very cool.. But we need to have access with DTouch to the "Generic Remote" inside Cubase. :?
But you do it !!!! With the midi fader and your virtual midi connection, so now we need this communication inside the macro editor to create a button but communicate with midi cc to cubase generic remote)
No, we don't need to access to the "Generic Remote" in Cubase because we can do everything from our DLL and it is seamless for the user (no need to set anything in Cubase).
We will implement something (what is possible) in the Floating Mixer. Probably all which you have requested except the selection of the Plug-In to be inserted (I will explain the reason in a later post).
Unfortunately, the Steinberg guys forgot ( :evil: ) that Cubendo now have 16 slots (we can only have access to 8 slots; same bug as in the Generic Remote).
Silvano Bettinzana
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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by Home Studio 87 » 19 May 2018 15:22

Unfortunately, the Steinberg guys forgot ( ) that Cubendo now have 16 slots (we can only have access to 8 slots; same bug as in the Generic Remote).
With the latest update (Cubase 9.5.21) we have access to the 16 insert slot in generic remote now. ;)
Gigabyte GA-X99P-SLI / Intel Corei7 6800k / 32 Go DDR4 / 3x SSD / Win 10 Pro x64 / UAD Apollo Twin USB / UAD2 Satellite Octo USB / UAD2 Octo PCIe / Cubase Pro 10 / VEP6 / D-Touch Cubase / Console 1 / iPad 3 Lemur... /

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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by DT_bettinzana » 19 May 2018 16:13

Hello Havoc911 and all the DTouch for Cubendo users,
to resume, can we agree that a new enhanced version of the Floating Mixer is what you (and others) need?
A new version with new sections in the upper side. The new sections would partially replicate the Cubendo mixer racks.
The new sections should be collapsible because not all the users have the same needs.

To be honest, we are almost completely able to replicate also all the parameters of the Cubendo EQ and Channel Strip. And also have control on sends and plug-in inserts (probably not a COMPLETE control, but I will check with our guys).
Anyway, the problems are two:

1) a total replication of the EQ and Channel Strip is a huge work for us. The parameters are many. But this is not the most important point.

2) The most important problem is that including all those parameters would cause an "explosion" in the number of the needed remote control DLLs. Each DLL can have a maximum of 1024 parameters and each control has 2 parameters: its value and its touched/not_touched status. If you do the math, you will see that the needed DLLs are MANY!
And, the more DLL, the more loaded will be the CPU and Cubendo will be a lot less responsive. NOT GOOD!!

That said, with my knowledge of the Cubendo technology, I propose a better "use" of the already available Cubendo Channel Editor. So, I suggest to reconsider a layout where the Channel Editor is open in front of you. If you agree with this, we can tweak the DTouch Floating Mixer and some toolbars to make this possible. Tell me what you think.
Anyway, some additional section could be included in the Floating Mixer, according to your suggestion. I hope not the EQ and Channel Strip ones.

Now, let me explain the Plug-In insert from a control surface thing:
you are absolutely right about that rotary knob method; in fact we have taken it in consideration times ago. Unfortunately, it works exactly as you have seen: the Remote Control DLL sends to Cubendo a message which says "I have rotated clockwise a knob". Cubendo answers: "the name of the Plug-In in the list is xxx". The DLL sends a new message telling that it has made a new rotation and Cubendo will answer with a new Plug-In name. Anti-Clockwise will return back. In other words it is an online-interactive process where Cubendo scan all the plug-ins, ONE AFTER THE OTHER (it doesn't send a list) according to the "rotation" of a virtual knob.
From the Remote Controller (DTouch is it), we could completely scan all the plug-ins to "compile" a list to be shown to the user, but it has a lot of problems. Trust me: we have tested this years ago, but it doesn't work well and you neither have a "cathegorized" list. And there also is a sort of bug if a Plug-In was never inserted.

I hope that this post can be of some help for you all. Tell me what you think and we will try to reprogram something in DTouch to speed-up your workflow.

As a side note I want to tell you that we aren't as responsive as in past because we are working hard on the HW controller (the one for the iPad, just to start). Anyway, we can do some pauses and return to DTouch sometimes.

Thank you!
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by DT_bettinzana » 19 May 2018 16:14

Home Studio 87 wrote:
19 May 2018 15:22
Unfortunately, the Steinberg guys forgot ( ) that Cubendo now have 16 slots (we can only have access to 8 slots; same bug as in the Generic Remote).
With the latest update (Cubase 9.5.21) we have access to the 16 insert slot in generic remote now. ;)
Uh, interesting. We will check if this is reflected in the Remote Control SDK too.
Thank you for this news.
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by Tumppi » 20 May 2018 12:06

I’d say the use of cubendos own channel editor is a good solution.
Only small problem with it (and the same goes with the plugin guis) is that there is a small lag when trying to adjust. It seems daw is checking if something is really touched or not.
This lag is much shorter for example in floating mixer and therefore it is better for use.
Anyway that is another story but I’m eager to hear if there are tips how to make this touch lag smaller and cubendo more responsive to touching parameters and adjusting them natively...
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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by Havoc911 » 20 May 2018 13:13


I'm ok with using the channel editor if we can put some transport controls on the bottom of the floating mixer.


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Re: Floating Mixer additions

Post by DT_bettinzana » 20 May 2018 14:45

Tumppi wrote:
20 May 2018 12:06
I’d say the use of cubendos own channel editor is a good solution.
Only small problem with it (and the same goes with the plugin guis) is that there is a small lag when trying to adjust. It seems daw is checking if something is really touched or not.
This lag is much shorter for example in floating mixer and therefore it is better for use.
Anyway that is another story but I’m eager to hear if there are tips how to make this touch lag smaller and cubendo more responsive to touching parameters and adjusting them natively...
I understand what you say.
The reason is that all the Cubendo windows are standard gestures-enabled windows. That lag is due to the fact that the Windows OS is waiting to understand if the user will perform a simple move or a gesture.
The DTouch windows are not gestures-enabled (in terms of standard Windows OS gestures API). So, DTouch will not wait for a potential gesture, but immediately interpret the move as a move.
Apparently, there is nothing that you can do. Maybe some deep tweak of the Windows gestures capabilities (disabling them), but I have no idea. And, you could switch-off too much multi-touch things.

I have spoken about this in another thread on this forum when some users asked for the support of gestures in DTouch.
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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