TUIO compatibility

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TUIO compatibility

Post by ~ufo~ » 05 Dec 2016 07:58

Is the DTouch driver TUIO compatible?
If not, is there any chance of doing that?

In that case, DTouch users could use their touch screens to use other DAWs that support touch cia TUIO, like Studio1, without the need for you to develop a whole DTouch platform for it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Harrison Mixbus starts supporting it too.

Certainly because the touch base drivers cost money and I've heard they create compatibility problems with DTouch (we should avoid installing them both on one machine), it would be great if the DTouch driver expands a bit in that direction.
(gesture support for scrolling would be a great help for instance).

Is there any chance of this?
You could even start making money by selling the driver separately, for less than touch base.

Thanks, and sorry if this has been asked before.
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by ~ufo~ » 12 Dec 2016 11:37

A gentle bump :)
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by DT_bettinzana » 12 Dec 2016 14:01

I will give you a feedback ASAP.
Not an easy matter.
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by ~ufo~ » 22 Dec 2016 20:47

DT_bettinzana wrote:I will give you a feedback ASAP.
Not an easy matter.
To be clear though:

Do DTouch and touch base driver still create issues?
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by DT_bettinzana » 23 Dec 2016 01:32

~ufo~ wrote:
DT_bettinzana wrote:I will give you a feedback ASAP.
Not an easy matter.
To be clear though:

Do DTouch and touch base driver still create issues?
I thought that your initial question was very generic, like discussing about future directions in the support of touchscreens in OS X.
But, probably, you have a real scenario in your mind; can you describe it? Do you want to use other touch-enabled DAWs on your Mac? Do you want to purchase a Touch-Base driver and use it for the other DAWs and for DTouch too?
Or do you have something else in mind?
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by ~ufo~ » 23 Dec 2016 09:16

Well yes. I would like to start experimenting with Presonus Studio One.
It has TUIO support, but it seems as the only way to get there is buying a Touch Base driver.

Now if I would buy Studio One, I would perhaps be willing to buy the Touch Base driver but not if that would cause a lot of problems with DTouch. The best case scenario would be if I could just use Studio One using the DTouch driver (without the DTouch Pro Tools environment actually running). The same way I use touch to work in OS X when I'm not actually running Pro Tools.
I have DTouch set up to launch at log in with its window hidden. That way, (single) touch always works. I use it for iMovie for instance.

If the DTouch driver would also support TUIO, I would be able to use Studio One with it.
If you think Studio One should already respond to the DTouch driver, please let me know how to set it up.
I've added a screen shot of the Studio One panel where you configure touch.
Thanks for your time!
Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 10.13.58.png
Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 10.13.58.png (226.94 KiB) Viewed 15959 times
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by DT_bettinzana » 23 Dec 2016 17:21

I must discuss about this with our guys.
See you next week!
Silvano Bettinzana
Devil Technologies

Support Team
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Post by Support Team » 27 Dec 2016 15:12

Hi ~ufo~, we finally have an answer for you.

First, let me shed some light into these "touch" aspects on OSX.
  • The Touch-Base drivers implement what we can call (for simplicity reasons) "TUIO Out".
  • Applications, such as DTouch or Studio One, implement what we can call "TUIO In".
  • There isn't any DTouch driver; DTouch simply listens for TUIO events (using its "TUIO In" implementation), and from USB HID events (using OSX functions).
We could implement a "TUIO Out" feature into DTouch; however, we have no plans for it right now.
We would even need to evaluate if such implementation (which would require a fair amount of development hours) would be commercially feasible.

In general, we recommend against the Touch-Base drivers since DTouch doesn't need them for the supported touchscreens; and we even extended DTouch support to other touchscreens over time.
For the supported touchscreens, the best solution is to uninstall the Touch-Base drivers, and use plain DTouch.

However, for touchscreens that we don't support yet, and that are supported by the Touch-Base driver, we support their driver along with DTouch, by using their "TUIO Out" implementation.
For your needs, it should be best for you to get an evaluation version of the Touch-Base drivers, then configure their "TUIO Out", for use with both DTouch and Studio One.
You can follow Chapter 2.6.7 of the DTouch User Guide in order to set up DTouch with the Touch-Base "TUIO Out".

Then, you would start DTouch OR Studio One (never both applications!).
DTouch requires that the Touch-Base "Mouse Emulation" option is turned off; we are not sure about Studio One.
When DTouch and Studio One are not used, you should turn Touch-Base "Mouse Emulation" on back again, in order to use your touchscreen for moving the mouse cursor around.

I repeat: make sure to test this with an evaluation version of their driver!
Should you have some problems with the Touch-Base "TUIO Out" and DTouch, contact our support team or open a support ticket.

Posts: 248
Joined: 19 Feb 2016 19:18

Re: TUIO compatibility

Post by ~ufo~ » 27 Dec 2016 17:08

Thanks for the information! It will be handy when I get some time to really try Studio One!
Yvo van Gemert
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on 16 Core Ryzen 3950X, Iiyama T27, 23" Apple Cinema display, iPad with PT | Control app, no lava lamp.

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