Thanks for considering my request. I really appreciate you trying to accommodate your customers. The problem I'm running into is that I prefer to keep the DT Toolbar in a horizontal position at the bottom of the screen. I then have rows of folders and also the nav bar with the edit window in the center.

- Dtouch layout.PNG (190.69 KiB) Viewed 48328 times
This works out really well for my workflow until I start a mix. With the toolbar in that position, there's not enough room on my monitor for the floating mixer and the channel editor to sit in an over-under format. I switched the toolbar to a vertical orientation and I found that my workflow slowed because I had developed muscle memory of where the transport controls were in my other workspaces. Having the channel editor open all the time seems like a huge waste of space where I could be displaying additional channels on the floating mixer in a side-by-side layout or making the faders longer in an over-under layout.
So my thought was: Wouldn't it be nice if the area that displays the matrix window in the floating mixer could be used for other functions too? Specifically inserts, sends, and mabe Cubase integrated EQ controls. I understand that assigning send destinations is not possible; only level, pre/post, and bypass and we already have that function with the matrix window.
I'm still a little hung up on the insert thing. Please refer to the short video that I uploaded to YouTube (
https://youtu.be/anbwwzXFAI8) Here you can see that the controller will scroll through a list of my plugins and when the scroll is stopped it will load that plugin on the insert slot that you define on the encoder to the left labeled IFX(1-16). You also have control over bypass and the parameters of the plugin can be edited from the controller (albeit clumsily). This is true of physical controllers like the M-Audio ProjectMix as well. Apparently these control surfaces, software or hardware, are able to access a list of installed plugins and scroll through them to assign a specific insert slot. While we have a macro that does this, the insert slots have to be pre-defined and I rarely know which slot I will need to assign. We may not be able to populate a list, but we can scroll through one. I could place my most used plugins in their own folder that would put them among the first in the list, thus removing the need to scroll very far.
I realize that using the channel editor drop-down lists is a more elegant solution and require no additional coding. Therefore I'd be happy to use it, if we could maybe put some transport and marker controls on the floating mixer so that I can fit everything on the screen at once.
Hopefully this made sense